
Empathy & Magic

Idk maybe its because I am transitioning to another country/culture, but i’m seeing how mentally flexible we are as humans, and it makes me feel more connected to this world. I feel tremendous feelings when I listen and watch on the news that humans of other cultures are going through world history trauma. Do you too? A part of me feels like maybe i’m feeling too much ? But I think that’s what society wants us to think. It’s scary! The depth that is. Especially when everyone is so disconnected and has perfected numbing themselves. I feel like the odd one out and now the “brave” one when it just feels like the normal ((yet extremely difficult)) thing to do.

I think we have to come to terms that our “fears” are in a certain way, just a distraction. We can overcome the trauma and fears now. It is here! This opportunity has came! Be grateful bc its huge.

Have you noticed the amount of healing taking place? This new concept is spreading like wildfireee. The concept is happening mentally, physically, and spiritually around the world- to humans in places of poverty to humans that are from well respected backgrounds, and everyone in between. We are finding out so much more information, and ways to heal deeper on all 3 levels. It’s a new world the level of health we can achieve now. I believe there is no coincidence to this. I believe that this is happening because of this global shift that has occurred recently. I’ve seen it in beauty- with peoples glow ups and the “new, healthy version” resonating physically that they look like a new personl! i’ve seen it in babies, and how they are way more advanced from an earlier age. and i’ve experienced it during a very special time myself, but thats for another post ;)

All I ask is… take a moment everyday for the next 30 days to stop & look within. You deserve true health too, and the ability to move past the daily pains you carry/ have been carrying. Dont be afraid either, the world of possibilities has arrived and ain’t leaving, its just gonna spread like wildfire ❤️

In the comments below, let me know if I’m crazy or you too have gone through a change or shift lately?