my FIRST kundalini experience.. pt. 1

I have always had a very strong intuition since I was a child, and was pretty much always a free spirit! But in 2018, things got WILD.. spiritually. I’m not sure if its because I was meditating day/night and something opened up in my brain, which opened up my world? OR maybe it was what astrologers would call, my “Saturn return”? I really question this often!! I actually had an uber driver, when I was in my early 20s, tell me that my late 20s were gonna be really special times lol I still dont know what the answer is to why my years of age 27-29 were just magic! maybe you do ?

The beginning of 2018 felt a little different, nothing too out of the ordinary- although I was in the middle of turning all of my Swiss Citizenship papers in. And the end of February was really when things took off. I remember it was over a span of a week, and three of the biggest events in my life had taken place. Overwhelmed was an understatement! The first event was moving out on my own, and moving in with 4 boys in Long Beach, which was really the best time of my life thus far. (I warned you, I am a very freee spirit! lol) The second was in the sector of work, and I booked my first celebrity client. To this day, I still can remember how nervous I was! And the last major event, was my interview at the Swiss Consulate for the last step of my Swiss Citizenship process. Craziest part, was that I only had a month and a half to study for it, and you bet my a$$ was at the cafe making flash cards every night in between all these other huge events...

So yea, after the end of February that whole year was pure magic and my life sped up massively. Things just kept moving! Work, opportunities, travels, memories, synchronicities.. And I guess my self development did as well. Overcoming all of these scary and major opportunities, I really grew a sense of self and like I have figured out the tools to do literally anything. It was a pretty powerful time for me, and I can go way more in depth with it, but that deserves a whole other post!

So my background with spirituality was already pretty fueled before I got into doing this Kundalini experience. I kinda knew what it was, but not fully, and I actually thought it was something more sexual now that I think about it lol i’m also already a pretty private person with certain parts of myself, and Kundalini did seem a bit overwhelming and intense. I met Andrea, my friend and Kundalini teacher, by pure coincidence. She reached out to me via email for a hair appointment, meanwhile served me during our email exchange at a cafe in Zurich, later to realize we had already met days before during her hair appointment. OH, and we also both share the SAME bday. ( coincidence & crazy? I agree!). We def clicked on spirituality convos and she told me she does Kundalini and that we should have a session… I was easily curious. Moving to Switzerland, I had a lot of intention of healing and coming back to my authentic self here, so I knew this was all part of what I put out to the universe! 🙏🏻

It was a rainy morning and I had a long train ride from Luzern to see her. I walked in to her lovely flat and it was an instant vibe check, Andrea just has this strong gift of feeling and empathy, and she instantly calmed me down from my hectic morning over tea and cacao that she had brought back from Tulum. I told her I was a big baby with new things, that I am nervous about whatever I was about to get into, and that I literally had noooo clue what to expect. She told me its going to be great and that she won’t go too hard, and brought me up the stairs to a cozy, safe set up she made with tons of pillows and blankets, really good music, and some Sage/Palo Santo burning.

I fully trusted her with this whole process, but the beginning was really tough for me. After grounding ourselves with tea & cacao, we started getting the hang of belly breathing. That’s where your whole body is completely relaxed and your breathe is strictly through the belly. I have soooo much tension in my shoulders/neck, so this was difficult for me to not move my upper body. The breathing started to get deeper, and breathing out was starting to really work the throat.. This is where I was very much struggling . I think the biggest part of healing, and also why it can be so challenging (for me at least), is because theres a major part of surrendering to that thing that is stuck and needing attention. My throat and throat chakra have always been a place in my body that reacts when stressed as well. The surrendering part was in the breathing out, and I just couldn’t quite fully let myself go. Andrea kept pushing me a bit, saying things like.. “It’s okay to let go” & “let it out” so lovingly and calmly 😭 and also kept accentuating the breathe out with her hand on my throat. But I still was holding on. I can pretty much cling to something until I kill it- no joke, its the stubborn bull in me. I am the biggest clinger I know lol but the truth of what was keeping me tight locked was that I was embarrassed of showing myself, and the fear of what would happen if I did let myself go and not have control any longer..

Once I realized in my head that that was the reason why, it felt so small. I was like okaaaay, at some point, I have to figure this out, and stop wasting time. Plus, this is what I came to do! I naturally focused more on getting into the music and moving my hips, and like magic, the song literally said “Let go”. I opened my eyes and looked at Andrea, and very excited shouted “did you hear that ?!?!”. I felt safe and protected in that moment, like someone from above directly told me, positively, “Let go”, and thats just what I did…. :)

Have you ever had a moment of big release? or how about big relief? relief is quite literally one of the best feelings in the world… tell me about it below, or if you are interested in this story, give me a like! :)

**Disclaimer!! If you are thinking about doing Kundalini or any type of energy work, I would please make sure that you fully trust the person and go to someone professional. This work is very sacred and works with deeper layers of your subconscious and energy field! It’s incredibly deep and transformative, and all of this work should be kept in an honest approach ❤️