The Foundation is SET..

It’s been over 5 years since I last wrote a post on my blog, and not only has time passed, but I have survived 2020, moved to Europe, and have entered my 30’s.. so lets catch up 🍴

With my life being *drastically* new this time around, I think theres a few different things I’d like to share here! I still would love to keep this space connected to beauty and traveling, but I want it to be open to other things that come up for me. These past few years have been a time of trememendous growth and finding, & I feel deeply connected to nature, my femininity, and spirit, which I also find are interesting topics of discussion/ more important than ever to be open about right now.

So, lets begin… I am 31 years old, currently living with my new boyfriend!! in a small town called Luzern- located in central Switzerland. I am at a point in my life, where I am starting over with my career in a completely different country, and have other things that I want to throw myself into. I have found, I have sooo many interests & I want to share ALL of them. I *strongly* know what it is that I dont want at this point, yet am still sorting out the things that I do want for myself! Currently, I find my biggest struggles are: 1. allowing myself to be 2. understanding who I am fully to know what it is that I need.

After a year of throwing myself in a different country/culture, I have been able to find parts of my self that I have totally forgotten existed!! One of the biggest parts was my inner strength that I crucially needed more than ever to get thru the year. Not only the journey of living in a different country made me hit a wall, and start to look at myself deeply, bc I needed more tools/flexibility to adjust, but also coming from Los Angeles, California to a tiny, VERRRY regulated country was a BIG jump that I dont think I was/would have ever been ready for. The first question I always get here, is “Where did you come from?”, and after I tell them LA, the second is “Why the heck would I move here!?” LOLS

This past first year here was incredibly testing! I look back and cant believe the winter I went through as a born and raised Cali girl! I honestly cant believe I got through it and how much it pushed me. But for some reason, I feel like I got through the hardest part and am now set up for a great new beginning.. December/January was literally and figuaritively the darkest months of the year, but I have met sooo many people that have truly got my back and helped overcome it! The support I have found in friends, other expats, family, and my boyfriend truly blows my mind bc I dont think I would have ever found this type of realness back at home. People are just a different breed here, but it makes sense bc life is SO different here..

One thing though, life truly brings you what you need most every time; even if it takes some time to be able to notice it.. The going can be tough during seasons, but at the end of it, its sooooo incredible to see how life played out and the new skills you gained from the experiences. Life came thru for me with Strength & Realness in 2021 & ironically, I think thats all I have ever wanted, and I just had to travel to find it in a different country!!

Lets see what’s next up for me on the second year of living life in Switzerland! I feel positive and excited for more change in myself, and ready to let go and embrace the unknown… :)

P.S. if you haven’t already looked at my previous blogs, I think you should! They’re filled with some good info and beauty tips, and also hilarious memes from my 24 year old self lols