
Kundalini pt. 2

As soon as the music told me to let go, I was ready 🍴I fell into the trance, all from breathing in and out, in and out, repeatedly. It felt like I was deeply meditative and inside my body, wandering around, looking for the the parts that were stuck and old. I really had no sense of time during this, I was really into it! Side note: i’m an avid meditator. Its something that I need to do on the daily because it helps me so much. Falling into this meditative trance has been easier and easier the more I practice, and I think i’ve got it down! which acutally helped me during this experience..

So as i’m laying there, I started to feel like a ZAP feeling on my scar. Before we did this, I had told Andrea that I wanted to focus on this scar from a childhood surgery that I should have never gone through & left me with lymphadema on my right leg. (Hence why I’m so against a lot of western medicine 😁) I know that theres a lot of trauma held in that area, but to be honest, I kinda forgot that I made such a big point about it. When I felt the zap feeling it made me come back to consciousness, and I opened my eyes, and saw that she was over my scar with a pendulum! I could not believe I really felt this stone on my scar, and that was the first moment when I was like wow! I really do feel things happening..

From there she told me to relax, and continue focusing on breathing. My breathing was not just any ordinary breathing. I was breathing HEAVILY. My inhales were deep through my stomach, and my exhales were deep through my throat and verbally. She wanted to hear my exhale, my release. So I kept excentuating the exhale through my throat. This started to create a vibration throughout my body. After a while I started to build this vibration and it became more consciously apparent that my body was vibrating. I slightly woke up from my meditative state and really felt the vibration in my hands and feet. It was another moment of wow, I think this is working..

I continued breathing and exhaling energetically, and I started to get very emotional all of a sudden. I started feeling super overwhelmed and serious sadness filled my head. Andrea took notice and started encouraging me to continuing breathing and working through it. TEARS WERE RUNNING, let me tell ya. It was a full body experience. Although I feel like I still couldn’t quite grasp what was coming up. After a few minutes it did pass, and I stopped crying, and felt this big relief. I opened my eyes and thought we were done 😂 Andrea encouraged me to continue focusing on my breathing..

So I did just that. I feel like after the first mini experience, I started to understand what was going on. From my exhale and vibration gaining more and more momentum, it was shaking things out of stagnancy, and pushing them up through each chakra. I started to understand this new awareness of my body, like a whole new perspective.

So I began again with my breathing. I almost felt like the awareness I found, made it more difficult the second time around because I was aware of it now? Idk if that makes sense, but once I fell into it, my awareness would come back bc I would realize I was aware of this new awareness 😅 my mind playin tricks on me now lol our brains are really a funny thing… but I think understanding our bodies and the more you do these meditative excercises, the better you get at tapping into it.

And I also knew I could do it now. So I started again. Before I knew it, I fell deep into my body as I continued this rhythm of breathing. All of a sudden I started to feel really emotional again. (Side note: I am a huge feeler and a lot of times I feel things so much but cannot understand them logically, I’m very much in my body 😂 so I think something I will learn in the future is to connect my mind and body into a better balance, so I can really understand these traumas coming up for me instead of just feeling them and then ~releasing.

Anyways, tears started flowing and it started to get more intense. I think it was the intensity and it reaching my throat that made me “wake up” It was just too much for me to get it through my throat, I couldn’t keep the vibration going ☹️ I remember waking up a bit and looking at andrea and kinda like “help mee” I need an extra push, I felt… but then I was just done.

And that was okay. I was proud of myself for even tapping into it! After that, Andrea slowed down everything and I went into deep meditation. It was SO nice! You know that deep meditation that just feels like pure * bliss * ?! ahhhh that was it! integrating everything, feeliing my body without the intense breathe, and just taking a second to go through the whole experience one more time. After a few minutes I had some really hard feelings come up again! Now that I think about it, there was no momentum in my body pushing it out, so I kinda just sulked in this thought for a while. Then all of a sudden I just stopped crying and opened my eyes haha it was like a sudden “okay, that’s it”.

All in All, I think I was ready for this experience and will definenlty do this again soon.. I felt more clarity after, really relaxed and not so on edge about things.. I felt more in the moment. I’m so interested in my subconscious and really figuring out who I am right now, and really living with full conscious embodiment of myself. I think theres a lot that i’ve uncovered, but also a lot more really deep things that I still want to confront and get to know, so I can own them and heal them. It’s all such a story at the end of the day, but this was an experience I would recommend for anyone looking to heal energetically and body awareness!! ❤️❤️

Would you ever be interested in doing something like this? Is this weird or scary to you? Are you aware of your body and the intelligence it holds? Comment below, all questions wanted :)

If you are interested in this experience and want more information, I would LOVE to put you in contact with Andrea. Her ability to help and deepen peoples awareness to their own energy and body is profound, not to mention this is totally her passion!! ♥️ Give her a follow and a dm @andrea_angelina_wolf on instagram