My One True Love: Traveling

Today, it feels like the world is changing and becoming more confusing by the minute. The more I watch the news, the more its gets to me! Even through this crazy time, i think it is still important not to lose sight of what makes you happy and positive! So in the midst of all the chaos, i think writing a blog post about why traveling is the most amazing, beneficial, LiFe ChAngInG, positive, growing experience you could possibly a excellent idea!

My first time traveling out of the country was when I was 16 years old. It was the summer of 2006, and my life was changed...foreva.

First stop: Die Schweiz. Being 16 years old, and never leaving the country, I had no clue what to expect from a tiny place in Europe called Switzerland. When we got of the plane, all I could see was greeen and tiny cars. Hmm.. what in the world!? The food was sooo different than my norm at 16, all I would eat was french fries (this was before I figured out my love for food and obviously cheese). My Aunt Rosli would take me in her amazing garden every morning. She would teach me how to treat the earth well and the benefits/blessings we can get from it. Me and my cuz, Jay, would adventure around grandpas house, ride bikes to the city, and play soccer at the park where we met a few friends. We spoke to the friends with a German to English dictionary and met up just about every evening. Rafael was Jays friend and competition in soccer. Even though we couldn't understand one word we were saying to each other, I had a major crush on Rafael. He was dreamy and looked like Cristiano Ronaldo at 16. One night after soccer, he blew me a kiss when I waved goodbye! My friend was a neighbor to my grandpa named Any, whom I kept in touch with through msn and still visit to this day! The food, people, cities, literally everything was so different from mine. I was so intrigued and it was just an introduction to this amazing world. I realized people and places can be so different, but can offer so much at the same time.

England was a little different than Switzerland because I was already introduced to the culture but it was still a place I've never been before! I. Fell. In. Love. With. England. England was the best. time. ever. I went with my dad and my aunt (which was tootally different from my mom) and we spent one week in London, and the Second in Manchester (where my family lives). London was amazing- the food, the shopping, even walking around the city was just plain fun. The history in England is so rich and rooted, I learned history that was older than my own countries history! Props to my dad for making us go on the Double Decker tour bus 3 times in a row...while it was raining!! I think a major part of my trip was Manchester and meeting all my family for the first time. I felt a major connection to them from the beginning, and I loved their humor! They were lovely people, that wanted to sit in the backyard with a cup of tea and a little rain... and just talk. They introduced me to Crunchie bars and Meriengue Nests, and even tried to give me a Mexican beer at 16 ( my dad wouldn't let me, but I snuck some in the kitchen hehe). Spending time with them made my trip loads more special, and I will forever have a connection to beautiful England.

When I came back from England, I was so excited about my travels and my new found passion for new places, people, food, etc. I started dressing different, changing my itunes account to United Kingdom (Lily Allen and English dance music were my jammms), and dreaming about crunchies and going back one day. I've only seen a minor part of the world, but at 25, I am so grateful and want to see so much more. Today, traveling is so much more accessible than it used to be. All you need is to save some money and do research, and you can go there (so do it!). I have so many memories from my travels, sometimes i look back and cant believe how things happened. I will never forget these memories and value them so much. The world can teach you many important lessons about yourself, what is has/people have to offer, and understanding life a bit more. These things that the world has to offer is so much more than negative comments or whats going on in the world. It's real value, real advice, and makes you feel something! <3